Mounting a Hella Fusebox
In the Austin A30 or A35
I have had problems with the glass fuses in the old holder. They did not make good connection and the holder had cracked. I found that a modern Hella fusebox has exactly the same mounting holes! (Hella 8JD002294-201 or equal) It only needed slight adjustments. See below pictures on how I did it.
The more modern Hella fusebox. Uses torpedo shaped fuses.
It comes with a nice cover.
The old situation in the car, it is easy to see why I have been having problems. The terminals are all corroded.
One of the screws turned out to be stubbern
I picked a nice day to do de modification"
To fit the original screws I needed to countersink the holes. I used an 8mm mill bit.
Here you can see from the top
original screws now fit the Hella Fuse box.
The finished article looks very good on the car, if I say so myself.
Now just add the little cover!